CSU is a service which provides screening free mammogram for the public especially the underprivileged community located far from hospitals.

Cancer Screening Unit

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world, including Malaysia. A study done by our team back in 2006 showed that the lack of access to medical facilities caused late detection, lack of awareness and low education in breast cancer. To tackle this issue, MAKNA started the Cancer Screening Unit (CSU).
By modifying our trailer, we are able to travel throughout the country including far rural areas in the effort towards increasing and promoting early breast cancer detection. As of now, we have 3 mobile trailers located in Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah.
with this region’s only mobile mammography service!

Our Cancer Screening Programme has benefited diverse groups of women in various parts of the nation, even in remote settlements and out-of-place rural areas which fall right within MAKNA’s plans to provide accessibility of such service to underserved communities.

- Aged 40 old or older
- Not pregnant or nursing
- No breast implants
- Not treated previously for breast cancer
- Have not undergone a mammogram within the past 24 months
Breast Ultrasound Screening

After a mammogram is done for breast cancer screening, most abnormal mammograms require a follow-up breast ultrasound. Abnormal mammograms do not necessarily mean breast cancer, hence it is important to investigate further with ultrasound. Breast ultrasound is also highly useful for dense breasts.
Criteria for MAKNA Breast Ultrasound Screening

- Malaysian Citizen
- Acquired prior appointment from MAKNA CSU